Weekly media wrap - 24 March 2018

A 10 year old refugee boy with severe mental health issues and at risk of suicide was flown, along with his mother, from Nauru to Australia for treatment following a Federal Court order. The court cited significant risk of suicide if he was not provided immediate acute psychological care in Australia. The Department of Home Affairs argued that sufficient care is available on Nauru and that the boy should be treated there, and had rejected previous attempts to transfer the boy in 2017.

Papua New Guinea requested Australia set a deadline for resettling all refugees currently on Manus Island to third countries. The PNG Government identified that recent attempts to resettle refugees in PNG have generally not been successful and that many refugees may not be settled in the US under its deal with Australia. Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop noted that Australia is not considering new resettlement countries.

Despite criticism and diplomatic tension, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton remained steadfast with his proposal to provide special attention and fast-track visas to white South African farmers allegedly targeted in land seizures and violence. South Africa’s foreign ministry responded, describing Dutton’s comments as ‘offensive’ and demanding that they be retracted. Tony Abbott supported Dutton’s proposal, whilst many in the Greens party described it as a throwback to the White Australia policy.

The Labor Party may consider a plan to increase Australia's annual intake of refugees to 50,000. The policy submission, currently in the early stages of consideration by Labor’s policy committee, also includes proposals to bring all refugees on Nauru and Manus Island to Australia, and a Royal Commission into immigration detention. 
