Weekly media wrap - 13 January 2018

A refugee on Nauru has been waiting for over a year to be transferred from Australia’s offshore immigration centre on Nauru for medical treatment. Doctors have warned that the refugee presents a ‘medical emergency’, but are concerned that he has now become ‘too sick to transfer’ because he may never be well enough to return to Nauru. The Australian Border Force has not made a decision on the refugee’s transfer despite Nauruan authorities twice approving his transfer.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade spent $100,000 to host a tour for six European journalists and a think tank researcher to showcase Australia's approach to immigration policy. The tour focused on multiculturalism and refugee policy in Australia, and included briefings with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to discuss Operation Sovereign Borders.

Israel announced that people predominantly from Eritrea and Sudan whose applications for asylum fail must leave the state within three months with a lump sum cash payment or they could be imprisoned. Under this program, thousands of people are reportedly being offered nearly $4,500 and a plane ticket if they leave the country by March. The UNHCR appealed to Israel to halt this policy of relocating Eritreans and Sudanese to sub-Saharan Africa.

Japan is limiting asylum seekers’ right to work in an effort to respond to a system of ‘back-door immigration’. These changes to Japan’s refugee system are reportedly likely to increase the numbers of those in detention centres.
